Thursday 18 March 2021

BFF Stitch-a-long nearly almost

 oh a finish is so close yet is was not add a few moments more or even half an hour more to our stitching time close so next week we have the tantalising promise of a finish.

So we started the backstitching together with the medium trees to the left (the small trees do not require any backstitching)

Doing the trunks was fine, doing the branches reminded me that there has been a bit of naturalised stitching happening with the variegated leaves. However, that was not much of an issue and I felt that "seeing the wood" for these trees made quite a difference.

So trees done, what next, well for me it had to be the big bluebell stems and leaves starting in that bit closer to the edge than I would like bottom right hand corner.

There are a few naturalised stitches there as well, or shall I call them individualised design moments. Which ever they still look like the thing they are supposed to resemble so I am good with that and if I only mention it here well who is to know!

And this is what it looks like now.

Blue Bell Wood

After the trees my BFF made a different choice for her own reasons so pop on over to her blog for her update. (click here )..and as a finish approaches we tentatively go back to contemplating what next...well my friend initially brought it up, me I was no not going there today I have had enough of making decisions for today, but can't put it off much longer. 

I should take some proper measurements and take a trip to the loft, I wonder if I have anything in the collection that might make a suitable frame.

1 comment:

Lauriejo said...

It is really looking great! I am always amazed at the difference backstitching makes.