Thursday, 4 February 2021

Just those trees

 left to go...all the green , all the blue all the ninjas all done.  Just those trees which for some reason have become the bogyman of the piece left to go.  And the backstitching.

Oh on this picture you can see just how close to the edge I was at the bottom there, hopefully I can get the backstitching on before it frays!

However than might be a bit longer as my BFF still has a way to go with her full stitches, so once those dratted trees are finished I will pause on this project till we are both ready to backstitch and I will find something small to work on for a bit..perhaps I will get a head start on my sewing for the Easter Blog Hop 2021

Now my BFF has posted  her update so Click Here to see how she is doing. 


  1. This is looking lovely, not far to go now, once Roni catches up!

  2. So... Much... Left to do! I've never felt that much slower, until we've done these joint projects! It's great fun watching them grow together though!

  3. You made some great progress! I bet your glad it is almost finished. That is pretty close to the bottom edge. I know some people sew on a piece of fabric there so they can frame it easier. Can't wait to see it backstitched!!
