Friday 1 January 2021

A new Year..2021

Looking back at my post this time last year, well 2020 certainly was not what any of us expected was it.  As for the projects I expected to be focused on and was hoping for lots of progress..well

If you have been visiting then you will know that the project with two angels..Teresa Wentzler's Millennium did not progress to the over one sections, I am currently stuck up Mount Everest!

So the hopes for this get out of the mountains and onto the angels hands (yes the night sky is more tempting with colour which is not shades of beige however I feel that the hands and the faces too might be a better starting point. I may change my mind, there is time to change your mind about things when you are wondering in the mountains.

Ah yes and the project with the three angels?

I must admit I am just sharing little snaps shots of that as I go, I have not done an "as it is being sewn" for one of the embroideries before and they feel more personal than the cross stitches and indeed as I make choices about how to stitch each section, what colours to use and fret about if something is working or not , well I would rather wait I guess till a section is all done.

So I will note that the wings are completed, the instruments are mostly done (strings and straps will have to wait until robes are completed). Hands and forearms are done and I am busy with sleeves. 

There was a bit of a sleeve in the last update.  I am hoping to get the sleeves done in my current pick up of this project (I only have one set left to go but the bigger more flowing of them) and there is a chance that may happen as whilst my BFF is using out weekly craft sessions to  work on her time bound project rather than our joint one, I am using the same time for my Three Angels.

So here is a little snap shot of wing feathers and sleeve.

Now I had originally thought to use more of the DMC light effects than I have and I had intended to limit myself to Anchor thread. I have a random collection of it from years of  buying it here and there from market stalls and charity shops.  However, as the sleeves came along I felt that was maybe going to be a bit too limiting. 
My BFF gave me the thread left from her rare favour sewing of Madonna and Child which was a kit and the threads were Anchor. She gave me the whole kit, I had not used any of it when a post on Facebook in December 2020 caught my eye, someone was looking for just that pattern. I offered to post the pattern out, then realised the kit had no key, just the symbols next to the thread on the pre wound thread card.  Ah well, I had not taken the thread off yet and as it had cost me nothing and given the time of year and the subject matter passing on the whole thing felt right, and the added bonus well although the Facebook sight the post was on was a national one the lady wanting the pattern lived in the next town to me and worked in a village even closer so change of plan from posting to a meeting.

We met at the gates of the Catholic Church in my town (it is quite large and a good landmark for making meet arrangements) mask on I waited, my friends who do am dram were walking Dolly the dog and stood chatting with me whilst I waited.  Up pulled a car, a quick wave a socially distanced pass over of a plastic bag and the kit was on its way (to be sewn as a gift), my friends said it looked amusingly suspicious.

So I do hope we have a better year ahead than the one behind, in general and in the completion of projects.


Faith... said...

I certainly hope you get more time with Millennium this year. I love seeing that piece. You are right, last year is not what anyone expected but I am glad to see it go and hope we never have another like that! Happy New Year Deborah!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Millennium is gorgeous, I like that you have left the more interesting parts to give you something to look forward to!
The angel piece looks lovely too, can't wait to see more of that one.