Monday 28 September 2020

More bits from the loft become a bag

 as previously mentioned people offer me random material and I most often say yes.  Oft they then head up to the loft for a bit of a thinking time. (the bits of material not the people!)

As regularly happens a trip to the loft for one thing unearths others and I am apt to get side-tracked. 

I was after some off white material with green leaves on it as I thought it would go with some blocks I had been working on (I did find it and then decided it did not go, sure that project will progress at some point and get a post of its own) and came across two pieces of brown material with a sequined strip on them. The remains of a NEXT skirt in pink with lining.

So, down they came, well brown bits, skirt band and lining material.  Band unpicked from the lining, (oh a handle, maybe with a brown lining), brown bits the outer bag and the pink lining, well pink lining.

So her it is, a fancy bit of a bag. 

I am not sure if I am going to add buttons to the handles where they join the fancy section, or maybe some sequins next time I have them out. 

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I'm glad that you don't keep people in your attic LOL
The bag is great, a lovely way to recycle fabrics.