Sunday, 19 January 2020

Sunday Stitching..Ohps

So last week before I got started I spotted a mistake and took it out.

This week I started with the pink in the ear and then moved happily on to the hands.

Counting along from the three little brown al
l went in so nice I was enjoying it and listening happily to the talks.

On to the white and the ear was done, then to the bottom of the face and it should touch on the pink of the hands.

Oh no it is not matching the white to the pink, re check the is ok.

Ohps! it is those three little brown stitches they are too far across to the right so all of the hands are in the wrong place!

It will all have to come out.

Funny thing is I don't mind, it is almost as if having enjoyed putting them in so much that taking them out to do it again is almost a happy thought!  Odd I know but there it is, that's how it feels.

Oh yes and the embroidery project I did say I would post a little updated bit.

I went back over the gold thread with invisible thread as the couching done with the gold was getting cut by the edge of the needle as the various blues were going in.

It is very odd stitching with that stuff, as being invisible it is hard to see!

Apart from moving the angels about so they all fit this will also be my interpretation of the colours as best I can with the available shades of metallic thread.


  1. Why do the smallest projects attract the most frogs?
    I love that blue metallic thread you are using for your angel.

  2. So sorry the frog has come to visit you but thankfully you caught the error before you got any further. Good luck stitching it again.

  3. It's great that you are taking the frog visit so well! x

  4. So now I know where to send that frog when it visits me?!
    Such pretty colours of blue.
