Saturday, 16 February 2019

Sampler quilt

getting back to this project.  I stalled after the last block grandmas-fan, mainly because the next block in the book was not a new block, not even a used once before block but my patchwork starting place.

If you have visited with me before then you will be aware that it is a go to pattern for me and therefore I wondered if I wanted to have it in my Sampler Quilt learning journey.  The next one along, as a variation of log cabin is also one I have used before, Church ( Court House) Steps.  so I stopped to make up my mind.

And I have, I am sticking with the plan of doing the blocks in order, from the book.  Well almost, the strip size on these blocks was so small (1 and a quarter inches including seam allowance) that I had a feeling if I worked one in full I might baulk  and the other. 

Yes I have done the Church steps small before, even smaller than this  as pin cushions but still!

So I have been working them together, the log cabin progresses slower then Church Steps as once you are past the first squares with that pattern you can add two strips at a time. Logcabin you are restricted to one.

So after an evenings sewing the log cabin looks like this. 

Log cabin blocks for sampler quilt

With another set of pale and pink to go before it is ready to join together.

And the Church Steps

Court house steps

Ready to join up, maybe I might sash it as the colours are looking quite pale. I have time to think about that.

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