Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Sampler quilt, spiders web and

Grandmothers Fan (a start and the pause)

So since returning to the Split Rail after a long gap I have been on something of a roll, started and finished the drunkards path and then I started the next page in the book.

Spiders Web...and finished it too. (I may need to work on the corners to get it squared up)

Pinks and blues spider web block for sampler quilt

Still the points and seams on the web part came out so much better than I had feared when battling with the Split Rail.

So, whilst waiting for access to the sewing machine to add on those corners, I cut some of the pieces for the next chapter  Grandmothers Plate.

And started the sewing for it.

I have finished the panels for the fan and I started pinning the point of the fan to the panels in the same fashion as the drunkards path.  The book says that this should be easier as it is a more gradual curve.  


And at the third time of pinning and it is still not happy I feel my roll slowing to a halt for this project at least.

Perhaps the cross stich will make a come back.  It is General Conference this coming weekend so my long term project will hopefully make an appearance and be progressed.

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