Saturday, 25 April 2015

Something for my Dad (cross stitch)

After several things made for my mother I wanted to make a cross stitch for my father.

It needed to be something suitably masculine. The Cross my Heart Inc's Artistic Landscapes set of patterns offered up a beautiful landscape. The Black in the foreground is three strands, in the background two.  The sky is completed in half stitch, this was the first time I had any large area of a design that was just half stitch.  

I started in the bottom right corner and worked lots of black, lots and lots of black.  It was a pleasure to move on to the colours.

I had the little brass frames for some time with no idea what to put in them.  The idea of leaves to reflect the colours of the sunset popped into my head and then into the frames.  I rather like the way they go together. The leaves are from Sam Hawkins Cross Stitch Seasons, Autumn's Riches.

Yes, you can just see a reflection of me in the glass taking the picture of this.  Reflections are a tricky thing.


My Dad liked his cross stitch, and occasional compliments me by forgetting that is what it is and thinking I bought him a painting.

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