Sunday, 23 November 2014

A small wedding memento (cross-stitch)

Sometimes it is a quick stitch that is required.  Something that can be completed and framed in days rather than weeks.

That has been the case with this little wedding cross stitch.  The lady getting married joined my team at work with only three weeks to the wedding. There were one or two other things that needed sorting 1st so it was past time to hurry up and be finished before I had the idea let alone made a start.  A quick check on Facebook for the groom's hair colour and stitching began. A hint of pink in the brides dress to reflect the colour of her outfit for the day if not the actual style and the stitching was done.

I have a hand mount board cutter so I could cut the arch on the mount to fit the 3 inch square aperture in the frame.  Tight fit but when you are working to speed and a tight deadline you do what you can with what you have to hand. 

So this is what I have made, a small design from Donna Kooler's 555 Country Cross-Stitch Patterns.

Small wedding sampler.

I hope they like it and the day goes well.

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