Monday, 25 August 2014

pyrography dragon two

The items I have previously completed and posted were created using my tool which has a variety of nibs but the only way to control the temperature is on and off and watching the time.

Wood burning Iron

Currently I have a long term loan of something a bit more sophisticated, with a temperature control.  So once I have it at the temperature I want it, it stays there till I change it.

Pyrography tool
So with something a little more consistent, time to try a slightly more complicated design, unsurprisingly for me that happens to be a dragon. I have had the wooden backed brush for awhile and have always intended the dragon to  be its embellishment.  The original design is from a council produced booklet to encourage tourism of the local area, it makes reference to a local legend (I will tell more of that another time as it features heavily in another project which is still a work in progress). Anyway the original design needed a tweak or two to fit the brush, I extended the tail and straightened out the curvature of it a bit.  

Dragon design taped to brush
Dragon design transferred to brush

I did the design out on greaseproof paper, put carbon paper underneath it and taped the two onto the brush.  There is probably a proper way to do this, but this is what I have.

Set to with the pyrography tool, not restricted to lines and not lines but able to add a bit of shading I am rather pleased with the end result. 

Design and finished dragon
Dragon brush finished

Snoozing dragon close up

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