Friday, 7 March 2014

(cross stitch) Cock-a doodle-do

This came as a free kit on the front of a magazine and on 11 count is the biggest I have done since school and binka. (other than an Afghan I did with my friend and now that I think about it that most certainly merits a post all of its own once I get a good picture or two).

Sure I have that binka thing somewhere, well if I ever do come across it I am equaly sure it will make an appearance here also.

Anyway ramble over back to the kit, or perhaps back to rambling, well walking at least.  I bought the magazine for the kit you see as it reminded me of a walk taken on a camping trip with my BFF.  We passed a chicken coop on our walk and the cockerel carefully gathered his ladies on the side furthest from us and gave us a very hard stare till we walked away.

Here is a picture of my friend and the cockerel.

I made the kit for me and then repeated the design on a smaller count fabric for my friend. It does its job, I look at it and think warmly of a very enjoyable day.


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