Sunday 7 July 2024

Sunday Stitchings many returns

 firstly a return to blogging this project. It has been a couple of weeks since the last update. I have sewn, but not blogged. Not sure why sometimes my focus goes elsewhere.

All for the cross stitching is finished as is all of the first shade of the backstitching.

The thing is, I am not that fond of backstitching (except when it could more readily be classified as blackwork, weird but true) and this has bitty backstitching and French knots left.

I don't think that lends itself to Sunday Stitching, so this will get finished off separately at some point.

I will do a finally finished post when that is the case.

I will have to decide what the next project will be by next Saturday so it is all set. Not sure if that will be something small like a cover kit, a return to the Country Companions book I was working my way through or another big project, maybe even bigger than this one ?

Oh the other returns, well they were people, the son of Mr and Mrs Family Friends who grew up here but lives far off theses days. Some people who have been a little unwell and missing for the time I have not been posting. Others away and now happily spending time with us again it was a nice way to start July at Church.

I just came across this Song today so adding the link but with no particular connection to the image above or the day.

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