Friday 28 June 2024

BFF 16 A falling out

 not between me and my BFF, but between my phone and my laptop. It appears to happen periodically, some update on one puts the others nose out of joint and they just won't talk to each other nicely. 

The result, delays in getting the photo for the blog where it needs to be.

So here it is , my off camera work and this weeks session. Neither of which felt at speed, just feeling a bit tired and my thread was also not cooperating, as I did not have a number required to hand. Not sure I may not have it at all and need to order it, or it may be visiting with another project. 

It is nice to have something other than shades of yellow in place.

No SAL next week so click HERE for my BFF's update which is appropriately entitled for both this weeks experience and next weeks appearance.

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