Thursday, 12 May 2022

NCFE week three

ah well this was a little disappointing but also amusing on the resin side as the little heart I shared last week apparently had a small hole in the mould and it leaked so there is no heart.  I was not the only one in the class with a leaking heart, very sad.

Now I also had made another resin item which I had not shared as it might potentially have become a gift.

Hooray you say!

Well maybe not as that item has vanished. There is a slim chance that it has simply been mislaid however, the tutor thinks it has been spirited away between the evening of the class and the next morning. She announced to the class that as beautiful as their resin objects were mine was quite obviously superior as it had been stolen.

I hold out hope it has just been misplaced.

I should know which by next week.

On the plus side there was the card to finish (and more paperwork for the accreditation)

Could have done with bigger flowers I think. Sizing was tricky as the card was not at home and I was guessing at the size.

Now next week there is an option of learning how to make a junk journal or trying marbling on an object.

At the moment I am undecided.


  1. Oh how annoying for you. I hope it turns up!

  2. The card is lovely and maybe you could add some more flowers at home?
    Shame about the resin misadventures, hope it does turn up.
    I vote for Junk Journal. My friend made me one for Christmas and I love it!
