Friday, 6 May 2022

NCFE Level 1 Award in Creative Craft

 Week two..this did not go to plan on several points.

One, this course was supposed to add a bit of exercise into my crafting life due to the walk there and back.

However on the way home from work something went ping in my leg (getting home was a slow job) and the evenings walks turned into taxi rides.

Two, we were supposed to be finishing off the cards the marble effect had been placed on last week  (click here for a reminder). I had prepared some things to use (yup that took up some of my BFF rollover time) and was looking forward to seeing how it would look. Sadly the teacher must of been having the same sort of week that I was having and forgot to bring our cards to the class.

So it was on to using the resin.  Yes that is the thing I have not tried since I was seven, one of those craft kit things that were popular when I was a child. It came with bits to set in it and was supposed to make jewellery with findings for a ring and a broach. It was a sad failure as the bits once set did not want to come out of the hard plastic mould.

So more than a few years later and we were all aprons and gloves and masks and glasses, and pouring and adding flowers.

However, the timing was all off , and the setting too slow for the evening, so carefully placed additions to the resin floated and moved as they liked. So in this instance random was so much easier to achieve.

Not much of a picture this week.

I picked the mould and colours to go with my intentions for the card and used dried flowers provided by the teacher. Other class members brought in sea glass or watch cogs and rusted bits of stuff.  So next week fingers crossed for the card and that the resin set. Mind we are on a promise to have another go if it has not.

I might get a picture or two of the alternative additions.

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