Friday, 6 May 2022

BFF SAL 9 Running

 out of puff.

Been a busy time and the sewing took a back seat and the roll over time just kept rolling over.

Even the Skype time was not completely free of  the worlds busy pushing in.

So I started with three corners finished and ended ..well like this.

I think there is a mental slowing down on the basis of once that last corner fill is completed I need to make a decision of square or rectangle. And how much of the pattern as is to still follow.

Hopefully by next week I will have firmed that up one way or another.

I am posting later than my friend due to the same external stuff getting in the way.

CLICK HERE to see how things are progressing with my BFF


  1. Oh it does look so good though. I do like the way it looks as a square so far

  2. I do think it suits a square too. But a rectangle might look like a book cover...
