Wednesday, 11 May 2022

BFF SAL 9 or is it?

 So my roll over time resulted in finished corners.

and then...became all indecisive, about what I wanted to do next, what colour to use and so did nothing at all.

Skype time and still nothing and it was time to sew.

I thought I had it, light out to dark and just a straight simple stitch , made a start

and not happy with it. I know it is very pale but that is not my issue, not sure what it is so more contemplation required.

Which meant a change of project for the rest of the evening.

Out came Millennium, a nice bit of white fill in the Earth and the little blue planet is completed, so that feels like big progress even if it is just a little planet.

Pop over to my BFF's Blog to see how she is getting on.

click here

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