Wednesday, 25 May 2022


 on the more ways than one.

Now we had a skip week last week as for both of us the work day had drained our energy. So you did not miss an update.

(nor did you miss an update on my class, it was cancelled as the teacher was unwell)

So I have contemplated the edge.

And at last made a start. I am going off on my own tangent here and plan to do top and bottom, then sides and figure out the corners last when I get to them. 

I think there was so much joy in the tree that we were thinking up any reason to add to our sewing time. However I have so much unused allowed time to roll over I have lost count.  and As I am going to be doing so little edge compared to my BFF doing the full pattern, I will just be sewing on tis during our Skype sessions going forward. My friend has unlimited dispensation to sew on it at will.

Unless, I find just the right piece of material to start it over again and do the full piece, mind my friends experience with that may colour my choice!

Pop over to my BFF's blog Click here to see how things are going for her. 

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