Thursday 2 July 2020

Lockdown Sal...what a difference

the back stitch makes.  All those greens that made no sense, hiding under all those backstitching lines suddenly come together and wow! Yes that's what drew me to this pattern.

Now as I was getting closer and closer to having the decorative part of the stitching finished my BFF asked if I would be looking at buttons, not yet was my reply as the two parts need bringing together and the stuffing added before the buttons.

Still the question lead to a discussion about the requirements of a button tin, preferably a repurposed tin (that was my stance) with a very tightly fitting lid, or maybe a bug jar with a screw on lid (or in my case, both!) that live in a cupboard nice and safe.  OR my friend feels that she has lots of pretty boxes that could be button receptacles once she has consolidated the buttons she has hear and there.

Yes I was shocked too, she does not have a button tin! 

So to see her progress from this session pop on over to her blog Link here


Faith... said...

Oh the back stitching really helped this piece. It looks perfect! Congrats on a job well done!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The backstitch really does make this design look perfect. I have a button tin, I thought everyone did LOL