Saturday 26 October 2024

BFF SAL 16 or is it ?

 I finished that last little bit of sky off camera.  Not that it looks like much difference from the last update but here it is ready for the backstitch.

 I was quite looking forward to the backstitch and getting this into the frame I had measured my section to fit.

The best laid plans...

Issue one my BFF had other life things occur and let me know she would not be ready to backstitch in time.

That was fine, change of plan, I would work on the frame and sort out the mount.

Of mice and crafters...

The frame was a charity shop purchase and had been waiting in the loft for its opportunity. It had a print in it, "so many sales so little time" so taking that out to make way for a cross stitch was an improvement, well it might have been.

But it had been finished very securely on the back. Under the masking tape it was proper framer staple fastened. I have worked with such before successfully but this was not budging and I got the feeling if I persisted all I would end up with was a broken glass.

oft go astray..

and broken glass can have other consequences, so I have given up on that framing plan and the frame itself with its print, well it will be going to a different charity shop, perhaps someone else will want it for the print. I have not replaced the masking tape so that another  re-framer will be able to see the issues with it for that purpose.

That leaves the question of what I did with the rest of our evening?

The answer is 

any guesses?

as for my BFF well Click Here for a delightful double update.

you may notice that I am late with my blog post, that was due to a combination of our stitching session overrunning a little followed by my being ill the day after our stitch session and a catch up on the Friday.

However I shall consider it serendipitous as it means I am posting on the day that Forestella have released a new original song. So whilst my frame issue is not quite at the level of the title of the new song I shall shoehorn it in!

If you follow K-Pop at all you might feel that this is something that Hong Seunghan  formerly of the group RIIZE might sing. It makes me happy that the fan group I belong to Soopbyeol is made up of a differently minded fan base that is supportive of the group being real people with lives and relationships.

Back to the stitching, as my BFF noted she has a scheduling conflict for next week, so that backstitching is going to wait a bit longer. Which will give me time to got frame shopping, initially in the loft and my stash, fingers crossed one of the frames I have will suit. If not it might be awhile finding one the right size.

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