Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday Stitchings

 all of the cross stitching is done. I will be making a start on the backstitch next week. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, our church building is at the top of a hill and looks out to the sea at the back.

There is a view of the sea from the Relief Society room, sometimes I can see ships. Today I could see rain, British summer time in full swing. That and the overall theme of the song has influenced the attached sone today. (you have to wait a little for the song to get started as there is an explanation of it first, but there are subtitles for all of it)

There are no lighthouses in sight form this position but we do have a few in the local area.

This is looking nice just as it is, however I am sure that the backstitch will bring it into focus.

Oh and the Forestella song.

Soop Byeol is literally forest star in Korean and is the "fan" name for the group. 

Friday 14 June 2024

BFF SAL 16 a new agreement

 My BFF and I set the rules for our SAL by mutual agreement, we add to them or change them as circumstances require.

This week we agreed that even if I do stitch faster, and I am not sure that is the case anymore, but even so my slice of same but different is going to be bigger than hers.

This weeks progress confirmed it.

So going forward I get as much off SAL sewing time as I like to get levelled up. Not done any extra yet but there is time.

Perhaps to the accompaniment of  my #Forestella  you tube mix. This is a current delight to my ears.

Oh almost forgot, CLICK HERE to see my BFF's progress  and how you can see things in that. And yes I have become a watcher of you tube "nonsense" on the principal that " a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men".

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sunday Stitching...a late update

 from Sunday, I am having difficulty getting my pictures from my phone to my lap top. Something somewhere has updated, new and improved and messed everything up. No doubt just as I stumble across what it is something else will get "added" that will make new issues.

Anyways back to the stitching, Sunday was our Branch Conference, so I ended up with a little more stitching time due to talk overruns. I didn't mind I was enjoying both the talks and the stitching.

All of the blended thread is done,  there is a little bit of sky yet to do and some white done the left side but still the backstitching comes ever closer.

My friend gave me this and it has indeed been very pleasant to sew so far at least, hopefully that will still be the case when I get to the backstitching.. 

Thursday 6 June 2024

BFF SAL 16 farewell whale

 addition of more stitches and the whale has gone, it was temporarily replaced by Nessie but that did not  last till the end of the sewing session.

The darker shade was living in with Millennium so at first I thought I had run out of that shade.

Click HERE to see my BFF's progress.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday Stitchings the blended bit

 There is one lot of blending in this pattern, white and pale blue in the half stitch sky.

I have waited to do any of it until I could reach and do all of it.

Today I could and made a start.

Still a week or so before the backstitch I think.