Monday 4 March 2024

A little kit

 I bought at a charity shop. Usually when I get little kits this way they are the unwanted cover kit from a cross stitching magazine.

I picked this one up because 1) it was there, 2) I could see it came with a little bell and well that might come in handy  3) I like to buy at least one something when I visit a charity shop and 4) it was 50p

You will note missing from that set of reasons was me actually liking it or or having much thought about getting round to stitching it anytime soon.

Indeed by the time I had bought it and come out of the shop, other than it having a bell I would have been hard pressed to tell you what it was a pattern of!

My Dad asked me what I had and I fished it out to show him and as I did it dawned on me there was a heart on it. Oh! I had been looking for something to sew for the Secret Stitching Sweetheart blog hop on Valentines Day, which was not that far off. Unlike last year when I was well ahead on my themed blog hop stitching this year its going to be a bit tighter to the wire.

But this was (as is the host for the hop) very serendipitous.

When I opened the packed it was to discover the kit contained sufficient materials for three repeats of the pattern ,including bells and little brass safety pins.

I expect that is is a Christmas design at heart (LOL) given the top image is a bauble. However to reflect the time of the year I was stitching on I changed that to a gold metallic heart.

And as I had some metallic thread pulled anyway  the red heart received backstitch of gold. It makes up as a badge to be worn. That's what the little safety pins are for. 

I was a bad girl and did not read the instructions properly and I started stitching in the middle of the fabric out of habit. That is not what the instructions called for which meant I could not follow then for the finishing and had to do it my own way. OK that's a bit of a habit of mine anyway so not a major irritant, and I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

I've not made the other two yet. I am not sure if they will be variations on the double heart or if one might get the bauble.

I have tried Googling the design company, they have a lot of very nice things. I wonder if this little kit came over to England as a holiday purchase some time in the past. I also wonder if the finished badge is traditional to the country or origin, does anyone know? The kit says it was printed in Denmark.


Mary said...

What a cute finish. I love the metallic heart instead of the ornament.

Anonymous said...

Its danish alright the heart is a typical danish Christmas it usually would be used as a bellpull and starting in the middle and work your way out is usually what you do i dont have the instructions on this one so i cant say but it turned out pretty goid we usually dont make for wearing things like this on our clothes but if its old kit maybe nice touch with the metallic thread