Sunday, 19 March 2023

Another dragon.

Christmas before last my Dad bought an art deco necklace hanger for my mother. It came from Past Times and it stops those longer necklaces making chain knots in her jewellery box. It is rather delicate and it works.

So this Christmas I was thinking something similar for me might be nice, but less delicate.

In this instance my Dad was going to make it for me. He made the base of the wooden strip with hooks and it was exactly what I asked for....and then...

An idea popped in to my head which resulted in an addition of a back piece, paint and best of all a dragon.

The dragon may be familiar to you, previously I have used the mould my BFF gave me to make a   chocolate dragon  then a Soap Dragon each time thinking that something a bit more permanent would be nice.

Back during lockdown I decided to give DAZ air drying clay a try, still having some left from the Nativity I made in 2015, and yes it is still the same block from then.  I made a few dragons but I was not sure what I would do with them.

One had found its place.

I am rather pleased with the way it turned out and it is now on my wall and doing a great job.


Roni said...

Nice!! Looks amazing on a mount.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I think I have the same necklace holder from Past Times. I do miss their shops and their catalogues!
Your dragon holder is great too, like a dragon sitting on top of his horde of jewellery.