Thursday 16 March 2023

BFF SAL 11 interpretive design.

We have had a two week gap due to a works night out for one of us followed by a rotten cold (which lingers) for the other, it won't take much guessing which is which.

I had intended applying myself to figuring out a safer place to put my mug (of hot chocolate) and what to do with the walls.

I have managed to come up with a representation of  my mothers sewing box (on legs) as a place for the mug.

Which has become a sewn reality. As you can see.

I have thoughts for the wallpaper, but am currently having chicken and egg issues, as in which comes first for elements that are still to be added.

However considering how rough I have been feeling I have a sense of accomplishment managing as much tonight as I have and am not too concerned about my mental gymnastics going forward.

Pop over to my BFF's blog to read her update and thoughts on what next in the personalisation variation.  CLICK HERE


1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Hope you’re feeling better! There’s a miserable cold bug doing the rounds here too.
Maybe there should be Lemsip in that mug!