Monday 15 March 2021

Gifted Gorgeousness link up March 2021

Wow managed to participate three months in a row to the GG Link up hosted by Jo, over at Serendipitous Stitching which is basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed , to or from.

Last year a new publication came out with Disney characters, you know the type, 1st one is very well priced , later less so but they hope to draw you in with the serialised project or projects.

I saw what looked like a rather nice Pooh bookmark so as my Dad was going to the news agent asked him to pick it up for me.

When he came back it was the second one they had given him ! Ah well there was a pattern that called to me as I have a friend d that is particularly fond of Disney's first Princess.

So I thought I would make it for her.

I made a start...

and although letters are not normally my thing

I was quite enjoying the Assisi effect

now my friend and I write, back and forth on a regular basis, a bit more so during 2020 I think

just as I was getting to the next word on the pattern my friend told me that she was getting this publication! Oh no, given her love of this character she was bound to stitch it for herself, what to do.

Now the next word has four letters, by happy coincidence so does my friends change just one BITE to just one it will be different and personal.  I think about it a bit and work away from the writing till I am sure.

Then I go for it, changing a B to an L that was not too bad , both words share the second letter, I was expecting the S to be the difficult one to figure out.

So whilst I graphed and did not like and tried versions I focused on stitching the silhouette.

Oddly the S was not so bad it was the A that gave me problems . Now I maintain that is an A, there is a bar at the top and one at the middle and a gap at the bottom. That is an A, my mother and BFF (still even if she did side with my mother) both said it looks more like an H!

Time for the stalk whilst I contemplate if I want to add the green to the name that was on the original pattern...I didn't

And the leaf.

just the finishing touch of a bow to go and I thought going to do it in nice shiny Marlitt thread.

Not that you can tell in the picture here

Then I did the green in the letters after all!

The original was intended for a lunch box (so the just one bite was both a nod to the story and a pun on the lunch box) I had never planned on doing that, but whilst sewing it I came across a box that looked as if it would be the right size, I bought it on the off chance as I was sure if I left it till I hade checked the measurements it would be gone.  Luck was with me and it was the right size.


I used some shiny metallic braid  to finish off the edge and was rather pleased with the way it looked and the colours gave a hint of Christmas, which is what this was intended for.

Now if you have visited my blog before you will know I like the inside of a box to have as interesting an inside as outside.

In this instance there was a second Snow white which you have already seen

And she went inside the lid of the box, the envelope held by the bird was just so appropriate for a gift to my pen pal.

Now if you did not come her from Jo's Blog then pop on over to see her GG post and from there hop around all the other participants.

oh and yes I did do this as a little video, no music yet waiting on my brother being inspired.


The Lady Kay said...

I love your finish as a box!! I never seem to finish many of my stitches other than in a frame, maybe because I work as a custom picture framer, LOL!!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love this design and the way you've adapted it and finished it. I think it's the serifs on the top of the A that confused people.
I am sure that Lisa will love it being personalised just for her.

Kaisievic said...

Great finish for your friend - I bet that she was thrilled to receive it.