Wednesday, 19 February 2025

BFF SAL 17 the post arrived

 for both of us on the same day.

We both started in the middle and with the same colour, and then both moved onto the same second colour!

The same yet the same! How weird, but worry not by the third colour we had each headed off in our own direction so the same but different vibe was restored.

We were both enjoying that and it felt odd after weeks of RAL that we would not be doing any off camera stitching.

The pattern estimates a stitching time of 8 hours, so approximately 4 weeks of SAL sessions.

However, at the moment with an initial speedy start we think that we might be done quicker than that, it might be deceptive we shall wait and see.

We also have a plan for SAL 18 and trying something we have not done before in a SAL. Indeed it will be something I have never tried before. Could be interesting. Just need to lay my hands onto the right size and type of material. I am fairly sure I have some in my stash.

CLICK HERE to pop over to my BFF's blog and see the bits that are the same and different.

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