Monday, 10 February 2025

A little help from Korean visitors

 is requested

Now Google stats tell me that I do occasionally get visits to the blog from people in Korea. I an hoping that is correct, and that those visitors might be able to help me with my Forestella fan quilt project.

Or any linguists that might be popping in.

So far it has the Apocalypse Logo quilted on it each join in the sashing.

But what I want to do is add the members names in Korean on the sashing. That means I have a restricted space for the lettering to go. If I was stretching and compressing the letters in English to fit, well I would know if it was still readable once done. I know that calligraphy can take some liberties with letter formation and indeed I have done so on past projects. However, doing the same in an alphabet I am less confident with is another matter and I worry that in contorting the letter arrangement to fit the space they are loosing the  integrity of the characters in the process.

So, before I go as far as making templates, let alone quilting them I would like your thoughts on the legibility, and as the size differs between the vertical and horizontal sashing your thoughts on trying to fit the lettering into the thinner vertical.

So here are the four names in the horizontal space.

Original intent is for the top two to be in this orientation and the bottom two to be on the vertical , but I sis then on the horizontal as well just in case the vertical is not workable.

Comments on how the two different orientations  of these names work would also be appreciated.

Thank you.

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