Well, it transpires that last week I could not count. This week I can and have therefore discovered last weeks deficiency in my numerical competence.
At first I though it was just in the rocky foreground and I could work around that as I did not feel like unpicking it. So I then did the rocky background, in relation to the dark section initial sewn.
However, as I moved on the the next shade of grey it was to realise there was an error from the start.
At this point it stopping for the evening became the best option. Well after taking out that grey bit and the dark section on the right that I thought was the error but nope it was not alone! It is going to need a hard look and then a decision on which option is going to take more effort, unpicking to correct or the mental effort of making adjustments to "fudge" the errors.
My BFF happily was having a much better relationship with the counting and sewing this week.
She had not posted as yet, there is a link to her post on the right side of the blog..I will add a direct link later once there is one.
My current issues with counting and concentration level is making us rethink the potential SAL 18 as perhaps a bit more complicated than we want to take on just at the moment.
I think I am more inclined to the ease of quilting along predawn lines at the moment. No counting required,
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