Monday 5 February 2024

A Wave from the Edge

 That is what I am going to name this quilt, just as soon as I get the label on to it that it.  You may have seen the top for this before at this blog entry about how the material happened to be in my home all unintentionally..

It waited a little bit to be sandwiched, and then a little longer to get tacked and more waiting for the quilting design to be marked on as I have put my tailors chalk in a safe place. Not even buying some more coaxed it out of hiding.

I had a plan for the quilting got it marked on with chalk, in different colours due to the differing shades of the squares sat down at the sewing machine and changed my mind. I had planned on doing something similar to the one  used on Catherine's Flowers  but in the end I just went with wavy lines there and back again.

It went reasonably quickly and I managed to get the quilting done in one evening.

The binding was a front over back with the back edge sewn down with invisible stitching. That took an hour or so each evening for the next week. 

Then back to the machine for a nice wave stitch all around the edge for added strength.

The paler shades don't show as well in this picture, I might try again later in natural light.

My BFF likes the backs, and the way the quilting shows there. So I am adding a picture of that however, I don't thing that it shows well in the picture, even at the biggest size, She will need to see it in person I guess.

I had not realise just what a backseat to the other crafts quilting has taken till I noticed the gap in things posted. I guess there are more things to get out which take up the available crafting time and other crafts are easier to access like the cross stitch. It would be nice if I could get on with some more this year. Perhaps at the beginning of the year and into the summer I might focus on doing tops, and leave the quilting till the back end of the year. That might equal more progress.

And why the name, well it fits in many ways, or many waves and I shall leave it at that.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a lovely quilt and I quite agree it is difficult to juggle different crafts.