Wednesday 26 October 2022

BFF QAL , tha'ts new

 I like the name my BFF has given to our shared sewing experience of tonight, a Quilt along.

Took a little while to get in a comfortable position for quilting as the Skype space is not my usual quilting space.

Managed it eventually and worked on the Dresden plate block in my sampler quilt. I completed the blue floral section which was quite good going. There were a few knots to detangle, but they all cooperated and came out.

It might become something we do more of, the QAL as we did both enjoy it. It does need a bit of forward planning as moving the hoop can be a bit tricky and needs more floor space that our Skype spaces. We therefore we need to be in a position of having just moved the hoop and with enough to sew for the night without moving it again.

We did not discuss next week as yet but I expect we will be back to the cross stitch.

Pop on over to my BFF's blog to see what was in her extra-large hoop this evening CLICK HERE

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a very pretty block. I do like the way they all have different names for the patterns.