Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Sunday Stitchings-an update.

 Whilst I was not posting these last few days there was a little bit of stitching going on and the sewing part on my Sunday Stitching's piece is finished.

The kit came with its special bits for fully finishing, and I will get to that later I think. Needs a little press first.

I altered the colour choice for some of the backstitching, all of the detail on the clothing was to be in white, I changed it to the lilac on the pale pink and to dark purple on the lilac.

Not that the lilac shows up that much better on the pink than the white, but it was worth a try and the dark purple was too dark on the pink.

So looking through my cover kits to see what to use for the next Sunday Stitchings project.

1 comment:

  1. Your “two fat ladies - 88” are adorable! I love the colours you chose.
