Saturday, 24 September 2022

In the Hoop at last

 it has been so long since I completed the top for the sampler quilt and made my attempt at adding a quilting pattern.

There have been some mental reworks but just could not settle on anything.

I think it is the size, and the different blocks and thinking of something that would suit each patch and yet unite them all.

After much delay and contemplation, I am taking a different tack now and after sandwiching the quilt I am going to just take once block at a time and let the threads bring it together.

Progress so far....

as you can see I have picked a very subdued colour for the backing!


  1. Bonita aplicación. BESICOS.

  2. Nice! I love the hot pink, glad you went with that in the end

  3. That’s a fabulous colour for the backing. My bathroom used to be painted that shade of pink!
