Thursday 13 August 2020

Best of both stitch-a-long

now as last week was a stitch week instead of the planned walk week, well you would expect this week to be walking and no sewing update? 

Nope, why? Well a combination of a particularly bright, warm but not windy day (the lack if wind is important) added to enjoying stitching the project and some rather unhappy joint equalled a change of plan.

My BFF came to my home and we sat, carefully distanced, outside to sew until the light was no good for sewing, especially on 18 .  Then we went for a walk as it remained light enough for that.

Here is my update, as you can see more work on teeny tiny little trees, one strand on 18 count and oh the excitement some grass stitched with two strands. My friend will confirm it is much bluer in person than it looks in pictures, oddly to me as I was adding green it made the blue more visible.

This is a picture of our outdoor sewing station, folding chairs with little folding stools as tables.  You will note two cats in the shot.  They are not my cats, however that does not stop them form considering this their garden and possibly me amongst their staff. There was no issue with them being there, they had no interest in the stitching whatsoever.  The black cat did give a slightly disdainful glance when the one puff of errant wind picked up my friends pattern and disturbed the peace slightly (not chasing patterns around the garden is why the wind status was important.

It was nice to sew and sit and be, I will note that now I could provide knotting thread assistance my friends thread behaved impeccably!

Follow the link to my BFF's blog  The link

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

How lovely for you both to catch up in person.
I love the stitching spot and added cats. We have the neighbour's cats in our garden, much cheaper than keeping one ourselves!