Friday, 18 April 2014

Easter themed painted eggs

Golden fish Easter Egg

This golden fish on a blue background is another of my mother's designs.  It was painted for an Easter celebration at Church which included a decorated egg competition.
Mark !:17

back of the egg has the scriptural reference which makes the fish image  very appropriate.

My own entry had a similar style, image on the front and a scriptural reference relating to it on the reverse.

Painted egg Lamb

John 1:29

I can't recall the results of the Church competition, but they had a competition at work the same year and my lamb did do well in that and won me a chocolate version.  That is long gone, but the painted one is still there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog for the Easter Treasure Hunt. You don't have an email so I have come over to say Hi!

    You don't have a Followers button either or I'd return the following. I like your eggs, especially the fact that one won you a chocolate one!
