Thursday, 9 June 2022

NCFE Week 4 (delayed by 2 weeks)

 due to CV19 targeting the teacher.

Now the plan for this week was either doing marbling on glass, lead by the class teacher or one of the students offered to show us how to do junk journals.

That was after "staging" our work and taking photographs for the accreditation. And completing the course paperwork.

I took along a box, a scarf, bud vase and some flowers to stage my card. However happily my resin item had turned up under some papers in a storage space so I had a bit more to take a picture of than anticipated.

This is one of the pictures I took, the teacher took pictures as well, so now I wait for the marking and  adjudication process. There may well be a level 2 course in the future, but as yet any details on when or indeed what have not been settled.

Sadly the crafting options for the evening did not go ahead but on the plus side the junk journal lady relieved me of the bits I had collected for that purpose, small scraps of fabric and coloured paper and card.  It was nice to have met up and chat with the other students. Hopefully we will be meeting again for level two in the near future.

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