Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness Link up June 2022

Pop over to Jo's blog (if you did not arrive here from there) for details of how this link up works.

Click Here

So first a little stitch I gifted, a book mark, to be honest I was thinking it a bit large for the purpose but the person I gave it to thought it a good size.  When putting the stitch into the frame that came with it I added some thin flexible plastic to protect the cross stitch from print transference.

I quite enjoyed stitching it whilst at the same time it was not an image that delighted me. Happily the recipient liked the image so a double win.

Then a stitch gifted to me by my London Pen Pal in celebration of the Jubilee

The next item was a nice surprise.

 My mother attends a fortnightly support / social group.

She came back from one of her meeting with this tin.

So  a big tin with a lid, what to do with it?

So now I have a place for my big spools of sewing thread.

And it has a a rope handle so I can carry it about.

And it is a repurpose item

It makes me happy.


  1. Always like being the first to comment on someone's blog, not sure why; but I do. Great idea for your spools!! Your gift from The UK is perfect for the occasion. Popped in from Gifted Gorgeousness

  2. What lovely stitching! Your bookmark turned out fabulous! What a fun gift from across the pond and a joyous celebration for the UK. I'm a confirmed box-a-holic, so your new box made me drool a bit! Loved the visit!

  3. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I like the plant bookmark, a very nice gift for someone.
    The coaster is cute and that box is fabulous too!

  4. Loving the new box, that's Huge!

  5. The bookmark is lovely, great colors, nice idea with those plants. xxx

  6. I'm not surprised that the recipient liked her bookmark - it's lovely. I envy you your new spool container - I love boxes and tins. The plastic was a good idea. I've had a lovely (if belated) visit today.
