Finished the hand quilting part of my modified Roman Stripe quilt.
It is nice to get a picture with the quilting design showing.
That is not always easy to do.
I quite like how it has turned out thus far.
Especialy as I had not made up my mind how I was going to quilt it until after the sandwich was basted.
Marking on after basting can be a bit tricky.
Now I have folded it up and put it away whilst I get another project basted and decide how that one will be quilted.
And so I can decide if I an going to free motion quilt the edge or not.
At the moment I am more not than do, but that could be the desire to being closer to getting the binding on and being finished than a properly thought out design choice.

And if I do freemotion, do I try to echo the pattern or just go totally random...mind random can be tricky too.
Oh and here is a little reminder of the top, now with quilting added.
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