Wednesday, 15 January 2025

BFF SAL 16 Finished ?

 Not quite, and not just that it is not in a frame yet but because I still have some backstitching to do on the big boat at the front.

I have dispensation to do that "off" camera and add the fully stitched version as an update here later.

There were more words spoken about the backstitch  this evening.

And I have not tried to add the flying seagulls I thought I might, Although my section of the pattern did not have any, I had thought I might add one. 

But decided against it.

I expect that my framing issues will be the same but different to my BFF's

She will struggle to find a square frame to size and as the frame I had intended this for was no good, I an going to have issues finding a long thin frame the right size.

Ah I had thought this would be a fast frame finish bit that is not to be.

We did try discussing our next SAL but I was in that odd state of mind knowing only what I didn't want and not what I did.

So we will RAL until we do find the right project for us both.

I must admit that quilting has been a bit louder in the me now shouting even if just planning on the fan quilt (which posed a design question where I think what I want to do is mathematically impossible and will need some thought and possibly compromise) and its is fix-a-time for the bits-a-quilt which will get its own post once I have some pictures to go on it.

To see my BFF's FFS (finally fully stitched) update Click Here.

Oh and the additions I had considered here have not occurred, adding names to the boats. Although as I may not keep this, and depending when it gets gifted and to who, well that may change.

1 comment:

Astrids dragon said...

It looks great as an almost finish! Maybe a wide photo frame that has a mat for small photos would work? Just remove the mat?