Wednesday 8 November 2023

BFF SAL 14 a rose by any other name

well its not a rose as such but my grandmother always referred to these flowers as a Peony Rose.

My title is inspired by the Shakespeare quote my BFF used for the title of her blog. I am wondering if our conversation about the 400th Anniversary of  the first portfolio of the Bard's plays(brief as it was and relating more to a certain Dr Who actor being interviewed by the BBC about that most famous of playwrights and not being able to talk about Dr Who as it is now a joint BBC Disney project and the actors strike) was the subliminal influence. 

Oddly we actually talked more about Shakespeare last week and which plays we had either studied or seen.

So tonight's stitching, more hot pink which was very helpful when I came to filling in with the mid pink.

it is looking more like a flower now and less of a splat I think. I still have two shades of pink to add to the flower and more leaves so whilst it is further along it is not quite finished yet.

CLICK HERE to visit my BFF's blog and see how she is progressing.

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