Thursday, 6 July 2023

BFF SAL 12 Time to rest

 Cat is all done, well the stitching that is, there were only the whiskers left to do.

It is not quite the finishing touch. We have a thought about the finish which needs more thought so we are leaving this project until that thought crystalises for both of us, each in our own same but different way.

CLICK HERE to see how her backstitching and be-whiskering went.

Just a reminder of the book the cat came from.

So whilst Roni worked on her backstitching I had a little dig through the collection of cover kits or charity shop purchases. It was fun seeing what I had checking foe duplicates with Roni (stitched or otherwise by each of us)

One a little 75p charity shop purchase (from the beginning of this year) was whispering open me. So I did.

Oh, this one has been started. And stopped mid backstitch (on a backstitch as you go basis) with the thread in the needle and the needle in the middle of the stitching. Now I do leave needles in projects but on the edge outside the design area.  I went to take it out and it was not cooperating. Sadly it has been there long enough for the needle to rust and stick. A bit of back and forth tugging and it came free. And off to the bin it went.

After a look at the pattern and the picture I think I see the problem, a mix up in the grey to use for the roof tiles meant the previous sewer had run out. at first I thought I would just frame off the sheep and use it that way. But well there was still sal time so I thought I would finish it off.

I completed the backstitch and outlines the roof so I could just fill it without counting. I used a lighter blend and then white to give a snow effect (and our online session came to an end) added a little white under the sheep  to even out the snow effect. Popped in the red window frames  and was all finished before the Sewing Bee came to an end. 

It came with a little aperture card and envelope so I know how it is getting finished and I guess it will be a Christmas card.


  1. Sleepy Kitty is lovely, I hadn’t realised it was a Joan Elliott design!

    How funny that the previous stitcher just abandoned that project like that. When it was so close to a finish too.

  2. Yay, another sweet kitty!
    Your little house is cute, with the sheep it could be in Wales?!
