Saturday, 14 December 2019

Second bag of green bits

In September I shared a bag made from the scraps left after cutting squares for some gifted-stuff.

I noted that there was still material left over.

So from that comes bag number two, a wider bag with just one strap. 

and the lining is pieced as well from left overs of other bag (for a later sharing).

The bag is different on each side, well made from bits it would be.  There was no pattern it just evolved from the available bits.

So is this all of the bits used up (apart from the squares) well no there are two small panels of sewn together bits that are left.  Not enough on their own  to make an anything but perhaps with some other scraps..there may be a third bag possible.


  1. That is very conscientious use of all the scraps! I just went back and had a look at the other bag too, such a good idea to make a lining with the freebie bag. I have a box full of scraps that I can't bear to throw out, but I'm just not motivated for "scrap busting".

  2. There are days that it is fun and others when it is a chore. I just go with the flow of how I am feeling.

  3. Love that bag! You made great use of your scrapes.

  4. What a lovely bag - and a good way to use up scraps x
