Thursday 29 August 2024

BFF SAL 16 complementing

 missing bits. We don't plan it this way, honest we don't. We just stitch in whatever colour or direction we want.

And in this case also how much of the original pattern we want. That it ends up with my part being bits that are not as yet stitched by my BFF and visa versa just happens.

Although this time I am particularly amused that I stitched in the black bollards as jumping off points for the houses and steps and then looking at my friends update to get the link to add below realised that is the only bit of the houses and steps she still has left to do!

My picture is likewise a little less posed than usual, and you can no doubt see I don't leave a lot of room at the edges. It is rare that I do.

You will also note I now have five part boats, I really must get that missing thread.

To compare and contrast Click Here to see my BFF's current position.

Now it may not look like it but she is still closer to completion than I am so I still have additional allowance for off joint session stitching time.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday Stitchings a new shade

 of beige/brown and the project grows a little.

It was the usual length of time and probably the usual amount of stitches completed but for some reason it did not feel like as much progress.

Sometimes it just feels like that.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

No Sunday Stitching and no BFF Sal 16

 Why, well Sunday I was not well and so no stitching occurred and as for the SAL it was one of those rare evenings when we just did not have the emotional or physical energy to do it. 

It happens, and quite often when it does we are each feeling the same way, which ever one of us mentions it first.

I do however had that non camera allowance on this BFF SAL so I do have an update to share before next weeks get together.

Quite a lot of blue, some of it single strand but still a full cross stitch.  And yet another "not all there yet" mode of transport.

You are right I keep forgetting I need threads for this.

At some point I wont be able to keep working around their absence and will have to get that sorted out.

I would note that the ohps has been successfully "fudged" inside that swathe of blue.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

BFF SAL 16 more blue

 blue in a little off screen time and blue this evening with a touch of red.

A thought about one of those reds and the number of  that shade.

The colours that come numerically before it are shades of greyish ness and those that come after it are green.

So the choice of this red shade to its colour number shows a biblical themed touch of humour.

It is of course 666.

I still have not got around to buying the threads I am short of  so what gets stitched next is still influenced by what I can stitch next.

Click here to see how my BFF is getting on.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday Stitchings update

 Still just the two shades, still avoiding the frog and still finding this a very pleasant stitch.

oh and I found something nice at the charity shop on Saturday.

Two Fiskars templates, I am sure they are going to be very useful and ay only 50p each a bargain.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

BFF Sal 16 feeling blue

 but quite happy about it.

I have not quite worked around the ""ohps to the point it feels fixed but some off camera time and a productive night of mostly blue and I feel I am making progress.

Funnily although I have not stitched anything on the three boats in this image the blue around them has made them more there this week than they previously were.

I am still far enough behind in the area left to stitch before a finish that I retain stitch anytime dispensation on this project.

So of course I don't feel all that much like working on it. However I have stopped in such a place that there are good starting points for next time.

There is still the issue of threads that need to be bought as well, but at the moment I will just keep going with the shades I have.

Pop on over to my BFF's blog by Clicking HERE to see how she is getting on with hers.

Monday 5 August 2024

Sunday stitchings

 Some more of that second brown and Frog had a well deserved rest today.

It felt like I got quite a bit done.

I still have backstitch to finish on the last Sunday Stitchings project.

That will not be a problem with this one, it is all full stitches.

Saturday 3 August 2024

A long time waiting (Sampler Quilt)

I started this sampler quilt in 2017 Tumbling Blocks  being the first of several new blocks I learned along the way. I finished it in 2022 and gifted it to my mother for Christmas that year.

But I never did get around to taking a good picture of the finished quilt.

The ladies organisation at Church (Relief Society) are having craft evenings, with either bring something you are working on, or try something that has been brought by someone else. 

This week I decided to avail myself of all that floor space (and also a holding helper) to take some pictures of the sampler quilt in full. Oh and also to make use of the large table to get my blue Flimsy sandwiched. I did get it pinned and made a start at taking it together. I am using very thin wadding as an experiment.

Anyway that will get a post all of its own back to the Sampler Quilt.

And a side view, you can see the four "extra drunkards path blocks made their way into the corners of the edge sashing.

and of course a view of the back, 

still hard to make out the quilting lines.

but a bit better, fingers and feet of my volunteer helper. I don't think he will become an internet star from this picture.

Oh and my mother said her favourite block is that first one, tumbling blocks so I made a little duvet cover to co-ordinate. However, stitching in secret I got a little turned around and made a mistake of sorts, I wonder if you can see what that was.

Pleased to finally have a proper finished post for this project even if it is rather late in arriving.

BFF Sal 16 Ps

 lots and lots pf Ps, which is the symbol for the blue I started on last time.

I did a little bit of off camera time as was allowed and then kept on with the blue.

much blue, I was feeling quite good about the much blue until I realised I was a stitch out somewhere in the blue 

Hmmm, in this instance Mr Frog can take a rest, there was enough of that on the Sunday Stitchings.

At this point the blue being exactly correct is not pivotal .

Therefore my choice is to work up the left hand side in towards the blue and "fudge the join, then over the top of where the blue would go and get back on track that way.

To see how my friend is doing Click here

I still have a long ways to go and still have dispensation for extra time, I just have not been making the most of it yet.